GET BrokerService/inbox/hasavailablefiles?serviceCode={serviceCode}&serviceEditionCode={serviceEditionCode}&recipients={recipients}

Returns true if there are files available for the given search parameters. This method is Unauthorized for performance reasons.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
serviceCode Obligatory parameter with the Service code to check for available files for.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

serviceEditionCode Obligatory parameter with the ServiceEdition code to check for available files for.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

recipients Obligatory parameter with the recipients to check for available files for. This is a comma-separated list of recipients. Must contain at least 1 recipient. Usage: BrokerService/inbox/hasavailablefiles?serviceCode={serviceCode}&serviceEditionCode={serviceEditionCode}&recipients={recipient1,recipient2} etc

Define this parameter in the request URI.