POST {who}/Messages?language={language}&complete={complete}&sign={sign}
Attempts to instantiate, sign and archive the message for the given who.
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
who | Who the message should be instantiated for. Valid values are "my", or an organization number of an organization the user can represent, or <Reportee.ReporteeId>, where the identified reportee may be a person or organization. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
message | The message to be instantiated, signed and archived. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
language | Language, valid values are: 1033 (English), 1044 (Bokmal) and 2068 (Nynorsk) This is an optional parameter, defaults to the user preset language. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
complete | Flag to indicate if the forms are complete or not. The default value is true. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
sign | Flag to indicate if the form(s) should be signed or not. Setting this to false will stop archiving and submission of the form(s) to the agency even when signing is optional. This flag is ignored if complete = false. The default value for sign is true. If the service being used requires signatures from third party entities, then any request with sign = true will fail with an error. Set sign to false and use PUT in a second request to complete the process. There will also be an error when sign=true if the service has a payment step. The REST API do not support payment, but there is a lightweight integration with the portal. See portal integrations. |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
Request body formats
<resource rel="message"> <Type>FormTask</Type> <ServiceCode>string example 21</ServiceCode> <ServiceEdition>64</ServiceEdition> <resource rel="forms"> <resource rel="form"> <DataFormatId>string example 34</DataFormatId> <DataFormatVersion>string example 38</DataFormatVersion> <FormData><![CDATA[<Skjema xmlns:xsi="" ...>...</Skjema>]]> </FormData> </resource> </resource> <resource rel="attachments"> <resource rel="attachment"> <FileName>string example 87</FileName> <AttachmentType>string example 89</AttachmentType> <Data>base64 encoded</Data> </resource> </resource> </resource>
{ "Type": "FormTask", "ServiceCode": "string example 34", "ServiceEdition": 64, "_embedded" : { "forms" : [{ "Type": "MainForm", "DataFormatId": "string example 36", "DataFormatVersion": "string example 38", "FormData": "<Skjema xmlns:xsi=\"\"...>...</Skjema>" }], "attachments" : [{ "FileName": "string example 43", "AttachmentType": "string example 43", "Data": "base64 encoded" }] } }