This form shall be used when submitting new information for all types of cases with the Norwegian customs that have already been assigned a case number.

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About this form

As long as you have a case number with the Norwegian customs, the form may be used for all types of inquiries. Exceptions are in cases where eFormidling can be used or where customs have requested that the communication take place using another channel than Altinn.

You have new information in an ongoing case that already has a case number

You have new information in an ongoing case which Norwegian customs have requested. Your case already has a case number


NB: This form must not be used when first contacting the Norwegian customs

When a case has been given a case number by the Customs, all importers, exporters and their representatives (transporters / freight forwarders, etc.), private individuals, can use the form as long as the user has a Norwegian social security number or d-number.

All relevant information for a case that you cannot write directly into the form. New information for your case after it has been given a case number. Approved file formats for attachments are pdf, txt, jpg, jpeg and tif.


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