National Data Catalog

The National Data Catalog – is designed to show data that businesses manage and which components they can share with others. The catalog addresses the need to discover, evaluate and access data.

About this form

Use the service when you need access to the register - and the harvesting solution for the National Data Catalog.

To gain access, you must have the correct right or role in Altinn.

Individual right: «Felles datakatalog – alle kataloger – skrivetilgang» (write) or «Felles datakatalog – alle kataloger – lesetilgang» (read).

Role: Municipal services

The service requires logging on using ID port (security level 3).

If you already have access to a service for the relevant enterprise in Altinn, you can create a request to access more. This is described here:

If you do not already have access to a service, you must contact someone in the business who can give you the necessary rights. Basically, it is the general manager and the chairman of the board in your business who can give you one of these rights. They may also have given others the opportunity to pass on these rights. We recommend checking with your immediate supervisor first. 

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