Use this form to reply to letters or to send other messages to the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) regarding trademark, design and patent cases. Please note that there are separate forms for filing new applications and for other enquiries.

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About this form

Relevant deadlines will be given in each individual case and in correspondence with the NIPO.

You will find your receipt on the receipt page or in your Altinn message box. You may send a copy of the receipt by e-mail or save it to your device. NIPO will not send a receipt. You will receive a reference number in Altinn (ARxxxxx) which you can use for any enquiries.

Your correspondence will become public
All the documents related to your correspondence it will be published on our website. We generally shield sensitive and confidential information. You can ask us to exempt business secrets from public disclosure. It is therefore important that you clearly indicate what information in the correspondence or attachments you wish us to exempt. We will then assess whether the information can be exempted from public disclosure.

Do you need help?

NIPO's Customer Service Centre can answer questions regarding trademarks, designs and patents.
Telephone: +47 22 38 73 00

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